import { InlineQueryResultBuilder, type InlineQueryContext } from ""; import type { InlineQueryResult } from ""; import type { Ctx } from "../ctx.ts"; import { SfbrPostsReqQueryBuilder } from "../../external/safebooru.ts"; import type { SafebooruPostData } from "../../external/safebooru.ts"; import { SAFEBOORU_HOST } from "../../external/safebooru.ts"; export const DEFAULT_POSTS_LIMIT = 30 export const handleSafebooruQuery = async ( ctx: InlineQueryContext, ): Promise => { const query = ctx.inlineQuery.query.slice("sfbr".length) const tags = query.split(" ") const reqURL = new SfbrPostsReqQueryBuilder() .setPostsLimit(DEFAULT_POSTS_LIMIT) .setPageID(1).setTags(tags).getReqURL() const resp = await fetch(reqURL) if (!resp.ok) { console.log(`Error response from safebooru. URL: ${reqURL} Status: ${resp.status} ${resp.text}`) // TODO: Return error to user await ctx.api.answerInlineQuery(, [], { cache_time: 1 }) return } const posts: SafebooruPostData[] = await resp.json() if (posts.length === 0) { console.log(`Empty response body from safebooru. URL: ${reqURL}`) await ctx.api.answerInlineQuery(, [], { cache_time: 1 }) return } const results: InlineQueryResult[] = [] for (const post of posts) { results.push(`id-${}`, post.file_url, { thumbnail_url: post.preview_url, caption: `[source](https://${SAFEBOORU_HOST}/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=${})`, parse_mode: "MarkdownV2", })) } await ctx.api.answerInlineQuery(, results, { cache_time: 1 }) }